スコア: 98%

に基づいて 3学生のレビュー。
"Zamanımı çok verimli bir şekilde geçirdiğimi belirtebilirim. Şehir olarak nispeten küçük b..."

レビューの下で勉強していた学生でおびいた Tía Tula Spanish School

彼らはこの学校で勉強するときに彼らの経験を反映した学生の意見とエクスプレス LanguageBookings.com の意見


スコア   98%
  非常に貧しい 貧しい 平均 良い たいへん良い  
施設・設備 93%
場所 100%
楽しい 100%
教育 100%

個々 のの学生のレビューについて Tía Tula Spanish School

レビューは言語、日付ごとに並べられ。1 ページあたり最大 25 件のコメント

3 レビュー
Zamanımı çok verimli bir şekilde geçirdiğimi belirtebilirim. Şehir olarak nispeten küçük bir şehir ve bulunduğu bölge açısından hem İspanya tarihi hem de dili bakımından önemli bir yer. Okul olarak da Tia Tula'yı seçmemin sebebi bir okul zinciri olmamasıydı ve bu seçimimden son derece memnun kaldım. Çünkü bütün öğrencilerle daha samimi ilişkiler kuruluyor. Bireysel olarak öğretmenlerden de okuldan da son derece memnun kaldım.

My friend recommended this nice school and said he met people he will never forget in his life. When I arrived to the school I never felt away from home starting with the reception I received till the farewell that I got. About studying they have their way to mix hard studying and having a good time as well doing it, and every day they have an activity program that make you always engage with other student and the Spanish culture like “playing pool, going around the city eating Tapas….. etc.”

Hi my name is Mark. I am from Au­stralia and I have been living in Salama­nca and studying at Tia Tula for a few m­onths now. Before coming to live in Spai­n I knew very little about Salamanca and­ even less about Tia Tula. Since arrivin­g here I have been pleasently suprised. ­Firstly the town of Salamanca is one of ­the oldest cities in Spain and is also o­ne of the most beautiful. I have travell­ed around the world and for me Salamanca­ is close to being Number One for the mo­st beautiful and culturally rich cities ­I have visited. The inner city of Salama­nca bases itself around the Amazing Plaz­a Mayor which sits in the centre of the ­city which has many shops, bars and rest­uarants around. It is my favourite part ­of the day when I get to walk through th­is amazing square and ravage in its beau­ty whilst of course stopping for some am­azing tapas somewhere ;). As for Tia Tula, well there is almost NO­THING I can fault about the school. Star­ting from the perfect location of the sc­hool in the old town of Salamanca, to it­'s Fantastic Administration staff and of­ course the students. From Day 1 arrivin­g at the school, you feel welcomed and w­anted. The staff at the school go well a­nd beyond the call of duty to help you. ­The teachers are amazing and try their b­est to catar for each students individua­l needs. The school also offers "Optional Activit­ies" everyday to help you improve your S­panish with talking to your fellow peers­ and the locals whilst also being a good­ platform for you to socialise and make ­some new friends. I have been very happy with my time here­ at Tia Tula in Salamanca. I would highl­y recommend anyone interested in learnin­g Spanish regardless of your level to co­me here to study. Safe Travels,­ Mark­

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