IIC Sosua, ソスア, ドミニカ共和国

スペイン語+ 職歴します。 20 1 週あたりのレッスン

コース タイトル
Spanish & Volunteer Work
09:00 - 12:30
月, 火, 水, 木, 金
€0.00 tooltip

レベル: 初心者のため, 小学校 - レベルの A1, 中級レベル A2, 中級 ‐ レベル B1, 中級レベル B2, -高度なレベル C1, 熟練レベル C2

4-week program:
- 2 weeks of Spanish Group Course Standard (20 les/wk) at IIC in Sosua and
- 2 weeks Volunteering at a local NGO partner organization in the area.
Prolongations of each or both are possible at extra charge.

This program is perfect for you if you want to combine classroom experience with language practice and do something meaningful.
During the first 2 weeks students will study Spanish. Classes are offered on different language levels, also for Spanish beginners. The group course (max. 7 students) consists of 20 45-min lessons per week and runs from Monday to Friday, usually from 9:00AM till 12:30PM.
During the following 2 weeks students will be placed with our volunteer partners. They will take direct care of the volunteers and cater the experience to their abilities, talents, and interests. Volunteers should expect to work an average of 15 hours per week.

PROJECT Esperanza (Sosua/ Puerto Plata area): Our program partner is a community development project in the Puerto Plata area. The project is mainly, but not only, working with Haitian immigrants in the area since 2006. Volunteering experiences there include: workshops (e.g. English or art) with the children, infrastructure (painting, building, murals...), garden work, office
work (e.g. helping to organize visiting school groups), working in the organization’s office, website/social media support, photography/ videography, and more.

PROJECT Dogs & Cats, DR (Sosua/ Cabarete area): Our program partner is a Dominican NGO taking care of stray dogs and cats in the Sosua/Cabarete area. The organization runs a cost-free sterilization program, provides vaccines/ parasite
treatments, offers an adoption program, has a community outreach education program in local schools and communities and a foster program. Their intention is to provide good homes for as many dogs and cats as possible and likewise provide
local families who take care of an animal with knowledge and funding where needed. Volunteering experiences there include: working with the animals, accompanying local families in the outreach program, organizational support (answering questions about adoption, maintaining the website, organizing
fundraising events), and more. Vets and vet students are welcome to work in the spay & neuter program.

Starting date is every second Monday all year round. The first starting date for 2017 is 9 January 2017. Please note: Project availability can be limited due to holiday seasons.
Accommodation and the airport pick-up can be booked through IIC as well.
Additional week(s) of Spanish and/or Volunteering can be booked at extra charge.
Also groups are welcome to sign up; please contact us in order to make special arrangements.

IIC Sosua

La Puntilla #2, El Batey, ソスア, ドミニカ共和国

  • IIC Sosua
  • IIC Sosua
  • IIC Sosua
  • IIC Sosua
  • IIC Sosua
  • IIC Sosua
  • IIC Sosua
  • IIC Sosua
  • IIC Sosua
  • IIC Sosua
  • IIC Sosua
  • IIC Sosua
  • IIC Sosua
  • IIC Sosua
  • IIC Sosua
  • IIC Sosua
  • IIC Sosua
  • IIC Sosua
  • IIC Sosua


一般的な情報: IIC Sosua

教室数: 6

1 教室の学生の平均の n º: 4-5

対象年齢: 16

1 日目のレベルのテスト:

空港からの距離: 6 km.

最も近い空港: Puerto Plata, POP

年学校開校: 1994

スクール営業時間: 9:00 - 17:00

学校近くの日付: ショー


Fax サービス
インター ネット アクセス (無料)
インターネット WIFI
テーブル ゲーム



•Sosua lies on the north coast of the Dominican Republic. It is located between Puerto Plata and Cabarete; the International Airport of Puerto Plata which serves the entire area is only about a 10

•minute drive away. The small tourist town, home to 12,000 inhabitants, is known for its beautiful beaches and water sports facilities. They can be enjoyed all year round due to temperatures of 90°F (32°C) in the summer months and 80°F (27°C) in winter.


コース 差出人 €140.48 Por セマナ
開始日 週間 学生


LanguageBookings.com の言語コースを予約して受信する 3 % 割引 !

LanguageBookings ベストプ ライス保証

100 % を確認ご予約

利用規約 & 条件: IIC Sosua

- サービスを支払う必要がある 21登録を完了し、コースや宿泊先の場所を確保するために、コース開始日が開始されます。
- 予約は譲渡できません。
- 銀行手数料は受講者が支払うべき
- 学生する必要があります 16歳以上の年齢の

キャンセル ポリシー

- 取り消しは、コース受講者によっては学校に書面で通知される必要があります。
- 返金はない支払い後コースの期間を短縮するため。
- コースを開始した後、返金はありません。
- コースが開始した後は、すべての宿泊施設やその他のアイテムの払い戻しいいえ予約します。
- 授業料は返金レイトチェッ クイン、早朝の出発または欠席、何らかの理由で、任意コースのクラスから。
- 学生が存在しない場合、一度に 1 つ以上の週の手配なしで拡張するコースの期間の余分なコストです。



- ビザ拒否一切払い戻しは指定されていません。


Depending on the day of receipt the IIC charges the following cancellation fees which apply to the complete price:

21 or more days prior to program starting date: 10 %
between 20 to 14 days prior to the course starting date: 20 %
between 13 to 7 days prior to the course starting date: 30 %
within the last 6 days prior to the course starting date and
in the case of ‘no show’: 40%