Time for English and Spanish School, グアヤキル, エクアドル

一般スペイン語 + 会話 15 1 週あたりのレッスン

コース タイトル
Spanish courses Two to One
09:30 - 12:30
月, 火, 水, 木, 金
€36.93 tooltip
€23.08 必須とは含まれていません tooltip

レベル: 初心者のため, 小学校 - レベルの A1, 中級レベル A2, 中級 ‐ レベル B1, 中級レベル B2, -高度なレベル C1, 熟練レベル C2

The Spanish training includes the following:
• 3 hours per day, in Two to One class, five times per week, Monday through Friday;
1. First hour: Grammar.
2. Second hour: Conversation.
3. Third hour: Review of the class.

• Time for English and Spanish, will provide their respective supporting material to each of the participants; verbs list, pens, amount others.
• Teaching the vocabulary in Spanish at their respective levels.
• Check the grammatical structure of the Spanish language.
• Delivers evaluation in writing to the student.
• Become aware of the needs of students to guide them and lead them to complete their training.
• Oral and written evaluation approximately; forty (40) to sixty (60) minutes.
• Certificate, if it reached to the Spanish level successfully.

Facilities in Time for English and Spanish:
 Internet Wi-Fi.
 Tea/coffee.
 Free internet access.
 Printing services.
 Latino dancing class. (At the end of the course)
 An activity in a local cafeteria to practice what was learned in class
Culture and Spanish investigation fields:
Time for English students attending the Spanish Courses are able to participate as well, in cultural activities such as bird observation and whale research.(at very convenience price).

Time for English and Spanish School

AV. Jorge Perez Concha 906 (Circunvalacion) Urdesa Central, グアヤキル, エクアドル

  • Time for English and Spanish School
  • Time for English and Spanish School
  • Time for English and Spanish School
  • Time for English and Spanish School
  • Time for English and Spanish School
  • Time for English and Spanish School
  • Time for English and Spanish School
  • Time for English and Spanish School
  • Time for English and Spanish School
  • Time for English and Spanish School
  • Time for English and Spanish School
  • Time for English and Spanish School
  • Time for English and Spanish School
  • Time for English and Spanish School
  • Time for English and Spanish School
  • Time for English and Spanish School
  • Time for English and Spanish School
  • Time for English and Spanish School
  • Time for English and Spanish School
  • Time for English and Spanish School
  • Time for English and Spanish School
  • Time for English and Spanish School
  • Time for English and Spanish School
  • Time for English and Spanish School
  • Time for English and Spanish School
  • Time for English and Spanish School
  • Time for English and Spanish School
  • Time for English and Spanish School
  • Time for English and Spanish School
  • Time for English and Spanish School
  • Time for English and Spanish School
  • Time for English and Spanish School
  • Time for English and Spanish School
  • Time for English and Spanish School
  • Time for English and Spanish School
  • Time for English and Spanish School
  • Time for English and Spanish School
  • Time for English and Spanish School
  • Time for English and Spanish School
  • Time for English and Spanish School
  • Time for English and Spanish School
  • Time for English and Spanish School
  • Time for English and Spanish School
  • Time for English and Spanish School
  • Time for English and Spanish School
  • Time for English and Spanish School
  • Time for English and Spanish School
  • Time for English and Spanish School
  • Time for English and Spanish School
  • Time for English and Spanish School
  • Time for English and Spanish School
  • Time for English and Spanish School
  • Time for English and Spanish School
  • Time for English and Spanish School
  • Time for English and Spanish School
  • Time for English and Spanish School
  • Time for English and Spanish School
  • Time for English and Spanish School
  • Time for English and Spanish School
  • Time for English and Spanish School
  • Time for English and Spanish School
  • Time for English and Spanish School
  • Time for English and Spanish School
  • Time for English and Spanish School
  • Time for English and Spanish School
  • Time for English and Spanish School
  • Time for English and Spanish School
  • Time for English and Spanish School
  • Time for English and Spanish School
  • Time for English and Spanish School
  • Time for English and Spanish School
  • Time for English and Spanish School
  • Time for English and Spanish School
  • Time for English and Spanish School
  • Time for English and Spanish School
  • Time for English and Spanish School
  • Time for English and Spanish School
  • Time for English and Spanish School
  • Time for English and Spanish School
  • Time for English and Spanish School
  • Time for English and Spanish School
  • Time for English and Spanish School
  • Time for English and Spanish School
  • Time for English and Spanish School
  • Time for English and Spanish School
  • Time for English and Spanish School
  • Time for English and Spanish School
  • Time for English and Spanish School
  • Time for English and Spanish School
  • Time for English and Spanish School
  • Time for English and Spanish School
  • Time for English and Spanish School
  • Time for English and Spanish School
  • Time for English and Spanish School
  • Time for English and Spanish School
  • Time for English and Spanish School
  • Time for English and Spanish School
  • Time for English and Spanish School
  • Time for English and Spanish School
  • Time for English and Spanish School
  • Time for English and Spanish School
  • Time for English and Spanish School
  • Time for English and Spanish School
  • Time for English and Spanish School
  • Time for English and Spanish School
  • Time for English and Spanish School
  • Time for English and Spanish School
  • Time for English and Spanish School
  • Time for English and Spanish School
  • Time for English and Spanish School

レビューの下で勉強していた学生でおびいた Time for English and Spanish School
彼らはこの学校で勉強するときに彼らの経験を反映した学生の意見とエクスプレス LanguageBookings.com の意見

施設・設備 97%
場所 95%
楽しい 97%
教育 97%

個々 のの学生のレビューについて Time for English and Spanish School

205 レビュー

一般的な情報: Time for English and Spanish School

教室数: 5

1 教室の学生の平均の n º: 5

対象年齢: 12

1 日目のレベルのテスト:

空港からの距離: 6 1/2 km km.

最も近い空港: Jose Joaquin de Olmedo

年学校開校: 2010

スクール営業時間: 7:30 - 17:45

学校近くの日付: ショー


インター ネット アクセス (無料)
インターネット WIFI
テーブル ゲーム


•ご存知のようにスペイン語の学習の献身と時間が必要です。Don´t は、it´s を学ぶための最善の方法を話すを恐れてあなたの毎日の活動で使用する必要があります。一から一クラス、ミニ ・ グループ クラスまたは両方の少しの組み合わせを提供しています。我々 は常に学生のグループは小さく、親密なと個人的な非常にインタラクティブな学習体験を提供を確認します。そのレベルに共通ヨーロッパ フレームワークの言語のリファレンスを適応している英語学校に間に合った


コース 差出人 €158.12 Por セマナ
開始日 週間 学生


LanguageBookings.com の言語コースを予約して受信する 2 % 割引 !

LanguageBookings ベストプ ライス保証

100 % を確認ご予約

利用規約 & 条件: Time for English and Spanish School

- サービスを支払う必要がある 15登録を完了し、コースや宿泊先の場所を確保するために、コース開始日が開始されます。
- 銀行手数料は受講者が支払うべき
- 学生する必要があります 歳以上の年齢の

キャンセル ポリシー

- コースのキャンセルの場合の払い戻しをコース変更はできません。
- デポジットは返金不可です。
- 登録料は返金不可です。
- 登録料は返金不可です。
- 予約の宿泊料金は返金不可です。
- 返金はない支払い後コースの期間を短縮するため。
- コースを開始した後、返金はありません。
- コースが開始した後は、すべての宿泊施設やその他のアイテムの払い戻しいいえ予約します。
- 授業料は返金レイトチェッ クイン、早朝の出発または欠席、何らかの理由で、任意コースのクラスから。
- 学生が存在しない場合、一度に 1 つ以上の週の手配なしで拡張するコースの期間の余分なコストです。



- ビザ拒否一切払い戻しは指定されていません。


サービスは、コースのお申し込みを完了し、コースや宿泊先の場所を確保するために開始する前に 15 日以内に支払わなければなりません。自分のコースの 1 つの場所を保証、するために少なくとも 2 週間前、コースの最初の日に登録する必要があります。以内に開始する場合は 2 週間の時間またはより少し問い合わせください電話/電子メールによると空室状況をチェックすることができ、すぐに答えます。-予約は譲渡できません。-銀行手数料が支払われる s
この学校は アメリカ合衆国 からの最も最近の予約保存 €14.40 !