MaestroMío, マラガ, スペイン

スペイン語検定試験準備 25 1 週あたりのレッスン

コース タイトル
DELE exam preparation
09:00 - 14:00
月, 火, 水, 木, 金
€0.00 tooltip
€25.00 必須とは含まれていません tooltip

標準: 外国語 (DELE) としてのスペイン語の卒業証書

レベル: 小学校 - レベルの A1, 中級レベル A2, 中級 ‐ レベル B1, 中級レベル B2, -高度なレベル C1, 熟練レベル C2

Studying for a DELE exam? We offer a series of lessons to help you do so. Diploma de Español como Lengua Extranjera (abbreviated DELE) is an official certificate. Instituto Cervantes provides the certificate on behalf of the Spanish Ministry of Education and Science. It serves as proof of understanding and command of Spanish language at a certain level.

The DELE certificate is divided into 6 levels: A1, A2, B1, B2, C1 and C2. Onspain School offers preparatory courses for DELE exams at all levels.

These lessons are designed to prepare the student as much as possible for the DELE exam and become familiar with the various tasks of the exam.

Practice for oral examination.

For a successful outcome, it is important that the students are informed of their level of the corresponding DELE exam. If this is not the case, Onspain School can offer you a thorough study plan to guide you.
Levels: A1, A2, B1, B2, C1.

Starting dates: every Monday, (except bank holidays, where classes will take place on the next working day).

Minimum duration: 4 weeks.

Number of lessons per day: 4 lessons.

***Start dates Availability for DELE preparation:


From 27/10/2014 to 21/11/2014

From 16/03/2015 to 10/04/2015

From 27/04/2015 to 22/05/2015

From 26/10/2015 to 20/11/2015


From 27/10/2014 to 21/11/2014

From 16/03/2015 to 10/04/2015

From 27/04/2015 to 22/05/2015

From 22/06/2015 to 17/07/2015

From 21/09/2015 to 16/10/2015

From 26/10/2015 to 20/11/2015


From 27/10/2014 to 21/11/2014

From 16/03/2015 to 10/04/2015

From 26/10/2015 to 20/11/2015

*** Exam dates DELE:

17/10/2014 – levels: B1, B2, C1
22/11/2014 – levels: A1, A2, B1, B2, C1, C2
17/04/2015 – levels: A1, A2, B1, B2, C1
22/05/2015 – levels: A1, A2, B1
23/05/2015 – levels: A1, A2, B1, B2, C1, C2
17/07/2015 – levels: A2, B1, B2, C1
16/10/2015 – levels: A2, B1, B2
21/11/2015 – levels: A1, A2, B1, B2, C1, C2


Calle Martínez, 12, マラガ, スペイン

レビューの下で勉強していた学生でおびいた MaestroMío
彼らはこの学校で勉強するときに彼らの経験を反映した学生の意見とエクスプレス の意見

施設・設備 100%
場所 100%
楽しい 100%
教育 100%

個々 のの学生のレビューについて MaestroMío

2 レビュー

一般的な情報: MaestroMío

教室数: 8

1 教室の学生の平均の n º: 8

対象年齢: 16

1 日目のレベルのテスト:

空港からの距離: 10 km.

最も近い空港: Malaga Airport

年学校開校: 1980

スクール営業時間: 8:00 - 18:00

学校近くの日付: ショー


インター ネット アクセス (無料)
インターネット WIFI



•Spanish lessons in Spain Enjoy Spanish lessons in Spain, immerse yourself in the country where the language is spoken. Of course when you travel abroad to learn you would want to get the most out of your experience, to have a personalized service and to feel special. The number of students in the MaestroMío classes are kept to a minimum so all students receive an adequate amount of attention. This gives them more opportunity to talk and communicate in class. Every class is spoken entirely in Spanish, meaning that first step to speaking Spanish fluently is much easier. This in turn will motivate the students and make it easier to pick up even the toughest grammar rules. Enjoy Spanish lessons in Málaga, ideal for student group travel! The European Framework language has 6 different levels. Spanish lessons at MaestroMío are available for all levels indicated. A1

• Basic I can understand familiar words and very basic phrases concerning myself, my family and immediate concrete surroundings when people speak slowly and clearly. A2

• Elemantary I can understand phrases and the highest frequency vocabulary related to areas of most immediate personal relevance (eg very basic personal and family information, shopping, local area, employment). I can catch the main point in short, clear, simple messages and announcements. B1

• Intermediate I can understand the main points of clear standard speech on familiar matters regularly encountered in work, school, leisure, etc. I can understand the main point of many radio or TV programs on current affairs or topics of personal or professional interest when the delivery is relatively slow and clear. B2

• Far Advance I can understand extended speech and lectures and follow even complex lines of argument provided the topic is reasonably familiar. I can understand most news and current affairs programs on television understand. I can understand television programs and films without too much effort. C1

• Superior I can understand extended speech even when it is not clearly structured and when relationships are only implied and not signaled explicitly. I can understand without too much effort television programs and films without too much effort. C2

• Top level I can easily understand spoken language, in any form whatsoever, either in direct contact or through radio or broadcasts, even when delivered at a fast native speed, provided I have some time to get familiar with the accent.


コース 差出人 €201.88 Por セマナ
開始日 週間 学生


保存します。 の言語コースを予約して受信する 4 % 割引 !

LanguageBookings ベストプ ライス保証

100 % を確認ご予約

利用規約 & 条件: MaestroMío

- サービスを支払う必要がある 30登録を完了し、コースや宿泊先の場所を確保するために、コース開始日が開始されます。
- 予約は譲渡できません。
- 銀行手数料は受講者が支払うべき

キャンセル ポリシー

- 取り消しは、コース受講者によっては学校に書面で通知される必要があります。
- デポジットは返金不可です。
- 返金はない支払い後コースの期間を短縮するため。
- コースを開始した後、返金はありません。
- コースが開始した後は、すべての宿泊施設やその他のアイテムの払い戻しいいえ予約します。
- 授業料は返金レイトチェッ クイン、早朝の出発または欠席、何らかの理由で、任意コースのクラスから。


- 2 までご予約をキャンセル可能性があります数週間前に違約金や手数料なしコースの開始。
- 15 より少ないコースをキャンセルした場合日数開始日全額が課金されます。


- ビザは、学生を拒否した場合、学校は充電 250元ビザ拒否の手紙の受領時に学生にユーロと残りの残高は返金されます。


You can find all the terms and conditions in our website:
この学校は デンマーク からの最も最近の予約保存 €7.00 !