一般スペイン語 25 1 週あたりのレッスン
レベル: 小学校 - レベルの A1, 中級レベル A2, 中級 ‐ レベル B1, 中級レベル B2, -高度なレベル C1, 熟練レベル C2
Our Intensive Spanish course is perfect for students looking to make a solid and quick progress in Spanish. You will be able to combine 20 interactive Spanish lessons per week with 5 extra conversation classes. Mingle with locals and join in during their lively conversations in everyday Spanish. You’ll benefit from a personalized and student-centered approach to teaching where professors and students are actively engaged in the learning experience.
With he Intensive Plus Courses you will work on every interpretive and expressive skills while increasing cultural knowledge :
Listening: Students practice listening techniques and strategies to understand oral messages and increase listening comprehension.
Reading: Increase understanding of written content and reading comprehension through an active learning process including the studying of spelling rules, punctuation and vocabulary.
Speaking: The development of speaking skills focuses on the student’s ability to express themselves verbally and maintain a coherent conversation.
Writing: Mechanisms for communicating correctly in writing are worked through a variety of activities and exercises.
Lexicon: The understanding of words and grammar is fundamental to understand and produce texts. Development of lexicon is an important teaching priority.
教室数: 40
1 教室の学生の平均の n º: 8
対象年齢: 14
1 日目のレベルのテスト:
•エンフォレックス ・ マドリード校ロケーション、モダンな設備と温かみのある歓迎する環境を誇っています。学校は、アルゲレス、唯一のスペイン広場から 5 分、マヨール広場から 10 分の学生地区に位置し、市内を探索するのに最適な拠点を提供します。学校には、音響映像設備、大きな共通の部屋、無料の WIFI、コンピュータラボ、よく eqippied ライブラリだけでなくエアコン、セントラルヒーティング完備の 40 教室が含まれます。