Intensive GEC + 5 One to One classes

Waterford English Language Centres - WELC, Waterford, アイルランド

英語 + 1 対 1 をグループします。 25 1 週あたりのレッスン

コース タイトル
Intensive GEC + 5 One to One classes
09:00 - 15:15
月, 火, 水, 木, 金
€75.00 tooltip
必須とは含まれていません tooltip

標準: 国際英語試験システム (IELTS の), ケンブリッジ英語 (FCE), ケンブリッジ上級英語 (CAE), ケンブリッジ試験対策英語 (ペット), ケンブリッジ ビジネス イングリッシュサーテイフイケート (BEC)

レベル: 初心者のため, 小学校 - レベルの A1, 中級レベル A2, 中級 ‐ レベル B1, 中級レベル B2, -高度なレベル C1

Intensive General English Course: 20 group hours plus +5 One to One classes per week

Class hours: Monday to Friday 9:00 - 13,15 (Intensive General English Course)
Plus hour: 14,15 - 15,15 (5 times per week)

Intensive General English Course:
Students join a class of between 4 and 8 language students to practice skills and language areas that best suit their level and needs.

When are these courses available?
- Courses are available all year.
- Monday to Friday 9.00-13.15.
- Registered students can join a course on any Monday.

What do we do in the classes?
- Test each student when they arrive to put them in the most suitable level.
– Focus on General English.
– Use a core text book in each class.
– Use only English in the classroom.
– Practise Reading, Writing, Listening and Speaking skills.
– Introduce and practise new Vocabulary and Grammar.
– Focus on language areas of specific interest or usefulness to students.
– Give a progress test each Friday to encourage students to study and to monitor their progress.
- The classes are generally for adult learners (17+).
- Courses generally run from eight to twelve weeks but students can join for periods of two weeks and longer.
-The school is closed on all public holidays and for two weeks at Easter and Christmas.

One-to-one course (3 hours per week)
- Monday to Friday 9.00-13.15.

What do we do in the classes?
- Test each student when they arrive and analyse their needs.
– Discuss course content with the student and decide on timetable.
– Use only English in the classroom.
– Focus on the specific skills areas (i.e.Reading, Writing, Listening or Speaking) which the student needs.
– Introduce and practise New Vocabulary and Grammar specific to individual students needs.
– Focus on language areas of specific interest or usefulness to the student.
– Assess progress regularly to encourage students to study and to monitor their progress.

Waterford English Language Centres - WELC

Washington Lodge, Waterford, アイルランド

  • Waterford English Language Centres - WELC
  • Waterford English Language Centres - WELC
  • Waterford English Language Centres - WELC
  • Waterford English Language Centres - WELC
  • Waterford English Language Centres - WELC
  • Waterford English Language Centres - WELC
  • Waterford English Language Centres - WELC
  • Waterford English Language Centres - WELC
  • Waterford English Language Centres - WELC
  • Waterford English Language Centres - WELC
  • Waterford English Language Centres - WELC
  • Waterford English Language Centres - WELC
  • Waterford English Language Centres - WELC
  • Waterford English Language Centres - WELC

レビューの下で勉強していた学生でおびいた Waterford English Language Centres - WELC
彼らはこの学校で勉強するときに彼らの経験を反映した学生の意見とエクスプレス の意見

施設・設備 85%
場所 90%
楽しい 95%
教育 90%

個々 のの学生のレビューについて Waterford English Language Centres - WELC

4 レビュー

一般的な情報: Waterford English Language Centres - WELC

教室数: 5

1 教室の学生の平均の n º: 6

対象年齢: 18

1 日目のレベルのテスト:

空港からの距離: 125 km.

最も近い空港: Cork

年学校開校: 1967

スクール営業時間: 9:00 - 18:30

学校近くの日付: ショー


コーヒー ショップ
コンピュータ ルーム
Fax サービス
インター ネット アクセス (無料)
インターネット WIFI
テーブル ゲーム



•WHY WATERFORD? Waterford is one of the main cities in Ireland and therefore, it has all the usual facilities and services of a capital. Well

•situated and well

•communicated between Dublin and Cork, its location and features make it a special place to learn English. As the biggest city in the County of Waterford, it has prestigious schools and educational centres, not only at primary and secondary, but at higher level, with the benchmark WIT (Waterford Institute of Technology), which is renowned for innovation in IT, and for producing an exceptional calibre of students who will be future workers in the most important technological multinational companies, many of which have their European headquarters in Ireland (e.g. Google, Microsoft, Apple…) Waterford is a convenient and comfortable city of 45.000 inhabitants. It’s situated in the southeast of Ireland, close to the coast and it is the sunniest area in Ireland. Its economy is based in the service sector which makes the city more affordable than others and additionally, its people are friendly and welcoming. All these features create the perfect place for studying English and make Waterford totally different in respect to other bigger, overcrowded cities where learning English is more difficult because we cannot completely immerse ourselves in the language. You must complete our placement test and based on these results you will be placed with students of a similar level and ability. Some of our facilities at the centre include: 1. Peaceful Georgian building in a quiet cul de sac. 2. Bright Spacious classrooms. 3. Audio/Video equipment for use with academic and authentic materials. 4. Computer Room. 5. Wireless broadband throughout the school. 6. Communal coffee room/dining area. 7. Music room. 8. Garden. 9. Five

• minute walk to the city centre and many amenities. 10. Quiet study areas. Visa Requirements 1. Students from outside of the EU may require a study visa. 2. Before you apply for your visa, please fill in your application form and return it to us with the dates of study. You will receive confirmation of your course and an invoice of your payment. We will also provide you with a letter of acceptance which you will need for your visa application.


コース 差出人 €455.21 Por セマナ
開始日 週間 学生


保存します。 の言語コースを予約して受信する 4 % 割引 !

LanguageBookings ベストプ ライス保証

100 % を確認ご予約

利用規約 & 条件: Waterford English Language Centres - WELC

- サービスを支払う必要がある 15登録を完了し、コースや宿泊先の場所を確保するために、コース開始日が開始されます。
- 予約は譲渡できません。
- 銀行手数料は受講者が支払うべき
- 学生する必要があります 17歳以上の年齢の

キャンセル ポリシー

- 取り消しは、コース受講者によっては学校に書面で通知される必要があります。
- コースのキャンセルの場合の払い戻しをコース変更はできません。
- デポジットは返金不可です。
- 登録料は返金不可です。
- 予約の宿泊料金は返金不可です。
- コースを開始した後、返金はありません。


- いかなるキャンセルの払い戻しは指定されていません。


- ビザは、学生を拒否した場合、学校は充電 250元ビザ拒否の手紙の受領時に学生にユーロと残りの残高は返金されます。


Waterford English Language Centres reserves the right to change the details of its services, including courses, facilities and course dates where circumstances beyond the school’s / company’s control necessitate such changes or where the number of enrolments is not enough to operate a course viably. The right is also reserved to decline any person at any time without liability. WELC reserves the right to cancel any arrangements or bookings without prior notice if payment conditions are not met.
この学校は イタリア からの最も最近の予約保存 €151.20 !