Qualité français langue étrangère - Qualité français langue étrangère

Qualité français langue étrangère - Qualité français langue étrangère

An official guarantee

The Qualité français langue étrangère label is the result of a quality-assurance approach undertaken by three French ministries : the Ministry for Higher Education and Research, the Ministry of Culture and Communication, and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. They are members of the Interministerial Certification Committee, which awards the label.

The label’s objectives

The Qualité français langue étrangère label was set up by decree in 2007 to identify, recognise, and promote centres of French as a foreign language of which the language offer and the services present guarantees of quality.

It is a matter of setting up a quality-assurance process to give the public confidence, and to help diplomatic posts and the French network of institutes and the Alliance Française to prescribe a reliable offer of French-language courses based on demand, the needs of the public, and students’ profiles.

It is also a matter of supporting centres in developing a gradual approach to improving the quality of services, whether or not the centres are candidates for being awarded the label, to the extent that all the tools are available and adapted for self-assessment.

The target public

All French-language centres in French territory that teach French to a foreign public and that meet a set of objective criteria can be awarded the Quality French as a Foreign Language label regardless of status: public, private, or voluntary.

In order to apply for the label, the centre must meetadmissibility criteria. 

The undertakings of the French State

By this quality-assurance process, the French State undertakes to recognise, by means of a label, the quality of services provided by French-language centres, and to promote all label-awarded centres through the French network of diplomatic posts, institutes, and Alliance Française.

The State also undertakes to disseminate information on the label and to make it an instrument for promoting the French language in the context of academic and professional mobility.



Accent Francais
Accent Francais
57 レビュー たいへん良い!

2 rue Jules Ferry, モンペリエ, 17 地図を表示

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2, rue d'Angleterre, 素敵です, 17 地図を表示

… a more than 25 years' experience in teaching and organising French as a foreign language allows us to offer to our client... 詳細情報 »

Eurocentres Amboise
Eurocentres Amboise
18 レビュー たいへん良い!

Maison Ronsard, Amboise, 17 地図を表示

Amboise is a wonderful town, only 1h by train from Paris. Surrounded by magnificent châteaux, the school adjoins the Châtea... 詳細情報 »

Eurocentres La Rochelle

17 rue de la Sole, La Rochelle, 17 地図を表示

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Eurocentres Paris
Eurocentres Paris
3 レビュー たいへん良い!

13 Passage Dauphine, パリ, 17 地図を表示

Our school is ideally located in a quiet pedestrian zone in the heart of the Latin Quarter. The location in Paris is perfect,... 詳細情報 »

French in Normandy - International House Rouen

26 bis rue Valmont de Bomare, ルーアン, 17 地図を表示

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Lyon Bleu International

82 rue Duguesclin, リヨン, 17 地図を表示

フランスでは、スタイリッシュで活気のある地区の第二の都市リヨンの耳にあるリヨン Bleu ... 詳細情報 »

Newdeal Institut de Français

74 avenue Thiers, ボルドー, 17 地図を表示

Newdeal is located in the elegant and bustling French city of Bordeaux, in Southwestern France. The school is sit blocks from... 詳細情報 »


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