DLI - Designated Learning Institution

DLI - Designated Learning Institution

A school in Canada that a student must be accepted at before they can qualify for a study permit (as of June 1, 2014).

Attending a designated learning institution

To apply for a study permit on or after June 1, 2014, you will need to have a letter of acceptance from a designated learning institution.

  • Each province and territory in Canada is responsible for designating schools at the post-secondary level that may enrol international students on or after June 1.
  • A list of designated learning institutions at the post-secondary level will be available on the CIC website by June 1, 2014.
  • If your study permit application is received on or after June 1 and your letter of acceptance is from an institution that is not designated for international students, your application will be refused.
  • All primary and secondary institutions in Canada are automatically designated but will not appear on the designated learning institution list. If you are applying for your child to study in Canada at the primary or secondary level, please see Get a study permit.

If your application for a study permit is received before June 1, 2014, and your letter of acceptance is from an institution that is not designated for international students:

  • your application will be processed and you may still pursue your program of study at that institution for the duration of your study permit; and
  • you will be able to renew your study permit in order to complete your program, but not beyond June 1, 2017.

If you were issued a study permit before June 1 and are studying at an institution that is not designated for international students:

  • you will be able to pursue the program of study that you are enrolled in for the duration of your current permit; and
  • you will be able to renew your study permit in order to complete your program, but not beyond June 1, 2017.

If the institution you are studying at loses its status as a designated learning institution after you have already been issued a study permit:

  • you will be able to pursue the program of study that you are enrolled in for the duration of your current permit; and
  • you will be able to renew your study permit in order to complete your program, but not beyond June 1, 2017.


LAB Vancouver (former CSLI)

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